Getting Your Bearings

About The Metropolitan Parkway TAD
This TAD was created to address the disinvestment that has occurred over the past three decades by funding new infill commercial and mixed-use development, roadway, and transportation-oriented improvements, as well as infrastructure and amenities that create pedestrian-friendly environments.

Metropolitan Parkway TAD Development Objectives
The Metropolitan Parkway Redevelopment Plan and Tax Allocation Bond District (TAD) was created for the following purposes:
- To attract private, taxable redevelopment opportunities to the Metropolitan Parkway sector of the City of Atlanta.
- To further the City’s goals of improving underdeveloped urban areas as well as of attracting desirable development, including professional jobs.
- To provide funding that, in turn, will attract additional regional, State and Federal funding to allow improvements to land use, transportation, and recreational areas.
- To realize the full economic potential of an increasingly urbanized community.
- To increase employment opportunities for residents of the TAD area.
- To increase opportunities for market-driven residential and commercial development within the Metropolitan Parkway area.
- To overcome constraints to development generated by aged and obsolete commercial and residential structures, inefficient transportation infrastructure and inadequate physical connections to the surrounding community.
- To maximize the tax revenue potential of the TAD area while achieving the basic goals of the Metropolitan Parkway Redevelopment Plan.